It’s easy to think of skin as nothing more than a fleshy, elastic covering that needs daily care in order to look its best. What many individuals don’t understand, though, is that the skin is actually the largest organ of the human body, and moreover, that it has an exhausting list of full-time responsibilities. Made up of three layers, skin protects us, absorbs elements we need to function, excretes oil and waste, helps regulate body temperature, and is largely responsible for our ability feel physical sensations. In short, skin care goes far beyond beauty. It’s an integral part of staying healthy and living well.

At Helendale Dermatology and Medical Spa in Rochester, our foremost goal is to help others understand the importance of ongoing skin care, while offering practical advice on how to keep it healthy, vibrant and functioning at its best. Here are a few things to consider when it comes to the importance of daily skin care.

  • The skin is the body’s largest organ, and one of the most versatile
  • Skin serves as a first-line of defense against infection and disease
  • We rely on strong, healthy skin to protect internal organs from injury
  • Caring for healthy skin is easier than addressing some skin problems
  • Our skin plays a key role in the removal of excess water, toxins, and sodium
  • Essential in protecting the body from damage caused by sun and UV rays

It’s understandable that so many people think of skin only in terms of physical appearance, however its importance simply can’t be overstated. If you’re like others who are concerned about the most effective ways to protect and care for your skin, the experts at Helendale Dermatology and Medical Spa are here to help. Get in touch to learn more about skin care techniques, products and services, or schedule an appointment with Dr. Arthur or a member of her staff.

Helendale Dermatology is located at 500 Helendale Road in Rochester and proud to serve clients throughout all of Western NY. We can be reached by phone at 585-266-5420 or write to us via email through our contact page.