September 25, 2017

Helendale Dermatology & Medical Spa, practice of Dr. Elizabeth Arthur, is involved with the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester. October is the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but the dermatology practice sponsors charity events year-round.
The Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester has made an unforgettable impact on the community, inspiring local businesses, including Dr. Arthur's dermatology practice, to join the effort against breast cancer. The coalition, along with their faithful donors and loyal sponsors, has helped countless families find hope and support within a passionate community.
Helendale Dermatology Joined BCCR in the Summer of 2008
Eight years ago, Dr. Arthur received a newsletter from the BCCR, which would be her inspiration to become a part of the BCCR's mission. Within the newsletter was an insightful life principle: "If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back." How true! If we truly understood what our neighbors have to go through, would we be more willing to offer our support?
Dr. Arthur was willing. She saw what one family friend, Laura Frazier, went through and what a difference she and her family made locally. Although Laura has since passed away, the example of her life was yet another motivation for Dr. Arthur to give back to the community.
Dr. Arthur Offers Support to BCCR Non-Profit Events
Over the years, Helendale Dermatology has participated in events on behalf of the BCCR. Dr. Arthur now knows many of the surgeons and radiologists personally.
"The coalition in Rochester is a gem; their heart for the people is clearly evident." ~ Dr. Liz Arthur
To date, Helendale Dermatology has given sponsorships, donations, and auction items to the BCCR. Under the direction of Dr. Arthur, they sponsor the Breast Cancer Pink Ribbon Walk every Mother's Day, where they offer many giveaways to the participants.
Helendale is a Gold Sponsor of the annual Artrageous Affair, where they've donated and participated in the fundraising efforts.
Breast cancer hits close to home because it affects so many people. Almost everyone knows either a family member or friend who is struggling with this condition. We need to rally together to help fight this struggle and keep our community strong.
"We try to highlight local charity events in our newsletters and eblasts as often as possible to make sure everyone is aware of opportunities to get involved." ~ Dr. Liz Arthur
Dr. Arthur is honored to give back to the community and be a part of such a meaningful cause. We can all make an impact on those around us by offering support, encouragement, and hope to those who need it most.