Are you looking for an effective skin rejuvenating treatment to address signs of aging? The DOT (Dermal Optical Thermolysis) fractional CO² laser is a minimally-invasive, non-surgical anti-aging treatment that addresses fine lines, wrinkles, brown spots, large pores, sun damage, skin texture, and acne scars, all in a single appointment.

What is the DOT Fractional CO² Laser?

The DOT laser is a handheld device that creates thousands of microscopic injuries in the skin. The skin begins to repair itself by producing new collagen, the healing mechanism in the skin. DOT therapy can rapidly tighten the skin and treat multiple skin conditions at the same time during a single treatment.

The DOT laser’s lowest setting lightly freshens the skin and helps with pigmentation, pore size, and minor skin imperfections. The medium setting is referred to as the Madonna lift, where the eye area is lifted and skin imperfections are more aggressively targeted. The highest setting treats deep lines and acne scars.

What Can I Expect from DOT Laser Skin Rejuvenation?

A DOT laser treatment begins with a consultation to make sure it’s the right fit for your needs. You’ll be given goggles to protect your eyes from the laser light. There’s no discomfort, so local anesthesia is not always necessary. A topical numbing cream is applied to your skin 30 minutes before the treatment. Your physician will carefully reposition the handheld DOT device over the face, taking about 15-30 minutes for the whole face depending on the severity of the condition. The device includes cold air blowers that cool the skin during the treatment. Afterward, we apply a thick moisturizer to the skin. Most people can feel results directly following the procedure. There’s only minimal downtime so patients go back to their daily routine almost immediately.

Recommended Pre-Treatment Instructions

Do not use Accutane during the 12 months leading up to your appointment. Avoid sun tanning and tanning beds for one month before (and after) your treatment and always apply SPF 30+ when in the sun. Patients who are sunburned or suntanned should wait 2 weeks before undergoing laser treatment. Make sure you remove all makeup, topical lotions, and jewelry before your appointment; the target area should be clean and dry when you arrive.

What Happens After DOT Therapy? Aftercare Instructions

The skin will stay warm for about an hour after the treatment, so use a cold compress as needed. Wait until the next morning to wash your face and use a gentle cleanser. Avoid scrubs, irritants, astringents, or products containing Benzoyl Peroxide. Pat the skin dry instead of rubbing. Stop applying healing ointments 10 days after the treatment to avoid cysts, which may appear especially in the eyelid area. Avoid strenuous exercise for the first 2-3 days. To avoid pigmentation or uneven skin tone, protect your skin from sun exposure at all times by either staying out of the sun or using at least SPF 30 chemical-free sunblock and reapply every 2 hours. We recommend a follow-up treatment 2-5 days after the procedure to make sure the skin is healing properly. After that, you can visit again in 2-3 weeks to check your progress.

Are There Any Side Effects to the DOT Laser?

Some patients feel like they have a sunburn following DOT therapy. The skin may feel tight for the first 3-8 weeks. Itchiness in the beginning phase of the healing process is common. There may be mild discomfort and a burning sensation for the first 2-3 days. Some redness (erythema) may appear for the first 2-6 months but can be easily covered with mineral makeup.

Disclaimer: Remember, each patient is different. Results will vary.